The Beach Zone

Welcome to the Beach Zone, isn't this so nice. Nice relaxing and calm bach. This is the most realistic beach in all of the zones, you can tell by the way the waves move like they do in real life. Wait I mean this is real life right? so why wouldnt they move like that. Doesn't this just make you want to sip on a nice cold drink like a pina colada or perhaps another type of island beach type drink? I'm sure there are others too, I just cant think of any right now

There's not much to do here right now, you can make sand angels though! They're kind of like snow angels except in the sand. You might not want to do that though, in fact, I would reccomnend against it because the sand is ver very hot. However you definitely could if you we're so inclined to

this is so much fun right? Just make sure to Return to the boat before you get stuck here forever