
You kept swimming, of course. And even when you hit the bottom, you kept swimming some more. You wanted to keep swimming so bad that you found a way to keep swimming where there was none

Ok, well, there was a way. Obviously there was a way, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to keep swimming, but it wasn't immediately obvious what the way was. Maybe it was immediately obvious and you are just extremely intelligent, but it wasnt as simple as continuing to swim down, you had to look around a little bit.

Good Job, you understand what I'm getting at when I say look around

If you wannt to go somewhere bad enough, you can usually find a way to do it. That is true wherever you find yourself. Ok that's not quite true either. Sometimes a wall is a wall, and a dead end is a dead end.

Sometimes, however, a wall at a dead end is a door waiting to be discovered. You just have to want it bad enough.

Look Around, got it.